Blog Archive

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Past Events


                                                          Peace Concert

Giving Hope will held a youth-led Choose Peace! Concert on
 the International Youth Day (IYD) on 
12th August 2012.
 This event was aimed at rekindling the spirit of peace among
Youths from different parts of East Africa come at the August
 7th Memorial Park in the spirit of  saying “NO” to 
violence,  to better their life  prepared to cope, respond  and 
resist violence and manipulation.

The Concert featured performances by luminar
 multi-award winning artist Juliani of the Kama Si Sisi social 
initiative, a 
photo exhibition on Kenya Post Election Violence by 
 and activist Boniface Mwangi of the Picha Mtaani and 
vulture-politician graffiti fame among other renowned 
artists, youthful peace ambassadors and exemplary political

 Also their were other features present e.g. audio-visual 
 and live testimonies by youth on Kenya PEV, Rwanda 
Genocide and 
Uganda’s LRA abductions and hostilities.

In attendance were youths  from Kenya (all counties), Uganda, 
 Burundi and Tanzania.

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