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Friday, 4 October 2013

Charity Golf Tournament

Memorial Park facilitates 2013 charity golf tournament

By Erick Diang’a
August 7th Memorial Park held an annual charity golf tournament at Royal Nairobi Golf Club to mark this year’s long awaited peace golf contest. The exercise is one of the yearly activities aimed at sustaining the Memorial park to prosper as a peace and reflection center in Kenya.

The tournament kicked off at 12 noon as scheduled by Memorial Park trustees under the grace of General Manager, Ms Brenda Selebwa.

Pack of audience made it to the club to have a glimpse of the event; and to gear support to the enthusiastic participants who made the tournament lively and peaceful. Some of renowned golfers made the day by exhibiting their best golfing talents.

Participants were treated to gift hampers and certificates of participation at the contest adjournment.

The charity tournament went through under sponsorships from  various interested corporate bodies including: General Motors East Africa Limited, Haco Tiger Brands, Canopy Insurance Broker Limited, Mwalimu Co-operative Sacco, National Bank of Kenya, City bank, Bank of Africa, Kenya Orient Insurance limited among others.

 Grants of appreciation went to sponsors, well wishers, and individuals who participated in efforts to rejuvenate the memorial Park fraternity. Survival and existence of the memorial trust depend on bonds constructed during social events-that is among ways through which the park can be able to accommodate those who commemorate, reflect, relax and secure training on peace messages.

Not once or twice has the trust embraced out- of- park activities, last year’s competition drew attentions of interested corporate bodies and individuals who extended their support to meet the noble achievement of the August Memorial Park.

Such sporting events have played greater roles in integrating Kenyans from all corners of the nation thereby creating accountability and harmony among Kenyan communities. National harmony resuscitates through social events which bear massive significance to reflection of the 1998 disaster which halted 218 lives and severed livelihoods of dozens. 

 Through unity, a nation can aspire towards negating terror activities facilitated by individuals who have little sense of human lives. Restoration of hanging hopes of living victims; whether orphaned, blinded or widowed puts into account the social link between the public and the Memorial Park community. For this reason, the park has, with full adoration, facilitated the tournament to bridge the gap between peace and society members.

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